Difference Between True and False

LYING lesson 01

Difference Between True and False

"Truth is like a rubber ball that floats on water, you can't push it down and if you try to do that it will come up again and again. But false is like a paper ball that floats on water but its floating time is low, after absorbing water it will sink forever."  

Now lets consider about ourselves,

Some times you may have some questions about liars like,

  • How do they make their life wonderfully when our life drop day by day
  • How do they become millionaires
  • How do they run their families 
  • It seems like there is no any consequence what they have done for etc...
But as I written before "false is like a paper ball that floats on water but its floating time is low, after absorbing water it will sink forever"

Actually liars can win the people than truthful people, that is why they can make their life wonderfully but after they find that he is a liar then the bond will break

Why do Actually People lying ?

Actually lying is originating from your mind and we use to show something that we don't really have

  • To maintain or to get social dignity
  • To hide from some thing that we don't like 
  • To maintain their mundane life
  • When overestimating yourself
If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything!
!This post is my opinion only and free for any arguments! 
I will come with Lying Lesson 02 Soon.........
