Story ( The Drought and the Faithful Man )

Story ( The Drought and the Faithful Man )

Once there was a huge drought in a village. All the people in the village were suffered from deep thirst. They had to walk many kilometers for the near village to get some water, That  were also only for drink. Day by day all the plants, and all the trees were died one by one. The same thing happened to the animals in the village also. Day by day the drought was getting worst. There were no sign of rain also.

Because there was no sign of rain, the people in the village arranged a meeting to discuss what to do. They all agreed to arrange a day to pray to the god about this disaster. So every one in the village prepared for the day.

The prepared praying day came, and all the villagers  were came to the selected place to pray to the god. They began to pray with all, and after about one hour suddenly a rain came. They all were happy about the rain, and they began to thank for the god.

So simultaneously the god appeared in front of them, and the god said that, "although every one prayed for the rain, but it was given only because of  one man's faith".So everyone began to question the god to know that who is the faithful man.

So the god said,

Look at the fence, Do you see a man with an umbrella? 

He is the only reason for this rain. He didn't even pray for me, But he believed that there will be a rain after this. So he prepared himself to face for the rain, and he came here with an umbrella.

The massage for us -

  • Trust the every step you get in your life.
  • Don't do any meaningless things, because of  the trend.
  • It is always better to do nothing, than doing meaningless things.

!This post is my opinion only and free for any arguments! 
Your Arguments will make me up.
Thank You.

I will come with another good STORY Soon............
