How to Disarm a Power Player - Body Language Lesson 04.2

How to Disarm a Power Player - (Body Language Lesson 04.2)

If you are new to the Body Language Lesson series, then my personal advise is to read 
  1. Body Language Lesson 01 (My Story)
  2. Body Language Lesson 02 (Introduction)  
  3. Body Language Lesson 03.1 (Common Hand Movements 01) 
  4. Body Language Lesson 03.2 (Common Hand Movements 02)
  5. HAND SHAKING STYLES- (Body Language Lesson 04.1) 
before reading this lesson.

How to Disarm a Power Player

How to spot a power Player.
  • Using Palm-Down thrust
  • They stiff there arm with palm facing downwards forces the receiver into the submissive position.

If you feel someone giving submissive hand shake, Hear are some counters to it.
  • The Step-to-the-right technique.
  1. Stepping forward with your left foot as you reach to shake hands.
  2. Step forward with your right leg, moving across in front of the person and into his personal space.
  3. Finally, bring your left leg across to your right leg to complete the man-oeuvre and shake the person's hand.  
Wake across in front with your right leg and turn his palm up.
Practice stepping into a hand shake with your left foot and you will find that it is easier to deal with the power players who would try to control you. 

  • The Hand-on-top technique.
When Palm-down thrust, 
  1. Respond with your hand in the Palm-up position
  2. Then put your left hand over his right to form a Double-handler
  3. Straighten the handshake
  4.  Easier to women to use

  • When the power player is trying to intimidate. 

 If he does it regularly:-

  1. Grasp his hand on the top
  2. Shake it 
This can shock a power player and do this only as a last resort.

So come and join with us for this attempt, by your valuable comments..................... 

!This post is my opinion only and free for any arguments!

I used The Definitive Book of BODY LANGUAGE (Allan & Barbara Pease) as a guide book
Thanks the authors.

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The Mind Changer.

I will come with 
Different Handshakes  - Body Language Lesson 04.3   
