Different Handshakes - Body Language Lesson 04.3

Different Handshakes  - Body Language Lesson 04.3   

If you are new to the Body Language Lesson series, then my personal advise is to read 
  1. Body Language Lesson 01 (My Story)
  2. Body Language Lesson 02 (Introduction)  
  3. Common Hand Movements 01 - Body Language Lesson 03.1
  4. Common Hand Movements 02 - Body Language Lesson 03.2
  5. HAND SHAKING STYLES - Body Language Lesson 04.1 
  6. How to Disarm a Power Player - Body Language Lesson 04.2 
before reading this lesson.

Different Handshakes 

  • The Cold, Clammy Handshake (The wet fish)
Feel like handshake with a dead wet fish. 
Use handkerchief in a pocket that you can dry your palms immediately.

Before a new meeting simply visualize that you are holding your palms in front of an open fire (This visualization technique can raise 3-4 C of the person's palm).
When handshaking for media or photographs, use the left side or stand on the left side.

Gaining the Left Side Advantage Or Gaining the Upper Hand -:-

- The one who stands to the left of the picture is perceived by viewers to have a dominant edge over the other. This is because it is easier to gain the upper hand when they shake, making the one to the left of the photograph appear to be in control.

  • When men and women shake hands
many men and women still experience degrees of fumbling and embarrassment in male/female greetings.

As adults,
this can create uncomfortable situations when a man reaches first to shake a woman's hand but she may not see it — she's initially more intent on looking at his face.
 In this situation You can -
-Intentionally take the other person's right hand with your left 
-Place it correctly in to your right hand 
-Say with a smile "Let's try that again!"
  This can give you
    - Enormous credibility boost with other person
   -  Shows you care enough about meeting them
If you are a woman hold your hand out as early as possible to give clear notice of your intention to shake hands and this will avoid any fumbling.
  • The Double - Hander
A corporate favorite the world over, this is delivered with :-
- Direct eye contact
- Candidly reassuring smile
- Confident
- Loud repetition of the receiver's first name
- Often earnest inquiry about receiver's current state of health.

This will
- Increases the amount of physical contact.
- Called the "Politician's handshake"
- This try is to give the impression he is trust worthy and honest.
- But when it is used on a person he's just met, It can have the reverse effect.
- Double - Hander is like a miniature hug, Is acceptable only in circumstances where a hug could also be acceptable.
- It should be used only where an emotional bond already exists (When meeting an old friend).
- If a person you have never met, who gives you one doesn't have a personal connection with you, Look for there hidden agenda. 

  • The Elbow Grasp
- Conveys intimacy and control than the wrist hold.
- The shoulder hold conveys more than upper-arm grip(with hand shake)

So come and join with us for this attempt, by your valuable comments..................... 

!This post is my opinion only and free for any arguments!

I used The Definitive Book of BODY LANGUAGE (Allan & Barbara Pease) as a guide book
Thanks the authors.

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Your Arguments will make me up
Thank You.    
The Mind Changer.

I will come with 
The World's Eight Worst Handshakes  - Body Language Lesson 04.4   
