The World's Eight Worst Handshakes - Body Language Lesson 04.4

The World's Eight Worst Handshakes  - Body Language Lesson 04.4   

! Avoid them at all times !
  • The Cold, Clammy Handshake (The wet fish)
Credibility Rating :- 1/10
- When the hand is cold or clammy 
- Associate it with weak character
- Read by the receiver as a lack of commitment to the encounter. 
- Use a tissue or handkerchief or open fire visualization before doing.
- Surprisingly, many people who use the Wet Fish are unaware they do it so it's wise to ask your friends to comment on your handshake style before deciding what you'll use in future meetings.

  • The Vice
Credibility Rating :- 4/10
- Assume early control of the relationship
- Men in business desire to dominate
The palm is presented in the down position with one sharp downward pump followed by two or three vigorous return strokes
- Grip that can even stop blood flow to the hand.
Sometimes it will be used by a person who feels weak and fears they will be dominated by others.

  • The Bone-Crusher
Credibility Rating :- 0/10
- It gives a indelible memory on the recipient's mind
- Trademark of the aggressive ones who, without warning.
- Seizes the early advantage and attempts to demoralize his opponent by grinding his knuckles to a smooth paste
If you are female, avoid wearing rings on your right hand in business encounters as the Bone-Crusher can draw blood and leave you to open your business dealings in a state of shock. 
- No effective ways to counter it
- You can bring it to everyone's attention by saying, "ouch! that really hurt my hand, your grip is too strong".
- This will notice not to repeat the behavior again.

  • The Finger Tip Grab
Credibility Rating :- 2/10
- A common occurrence in male—female greetings
- The Finger-Tip Grab is a handshake that missed the mark and the user mistakenly grabs the other person's fingers.
- May seem to have an enthusiastic attitude towards the receiver.
- He in fact lacks confidence in himself
- This result from personal space differences between the people in the handshake.
- So hands don't connect properly.
- If this happens to you:-
take the other person's right hand with your left and place it correctly in your right hand and say, with a smile 'Let's try that again!' and shake hands equally. 
This builds your credibility because you are telling the other person that you think they are important enough for you to get it right.

  • The Sniff Arm Thrust
Credibility Rating :- 3/10
- Like Palm-Down thrust
- Used by aggressive people
- Main purpose is to keep you at a distance and away from their personal space
- Used by people raised in rural areas
- These people will even lean forward or balance on one foot to keep their distance when delivering a Stiff-Arm Thrust
- The best thing to do is Bend your arm and pull in with nice gentle smile

  • The Socket-Wrencher
Credibility Rating :- 3/10
A popular choice of power players
- But, cause of watering eyes and, in extreme cases, torn ligaments
This is the father of the Bent-Arm-Pull-In 
- involves forcefully gripping the receiver's outstretched palm, then simultaneously applying a sharp reverse thrust, attempting to drag the receiver into the initiator's territory.
This results in loss of balance and gets the relationship off on the wrong foot
- Can mean one of three things
  1. The initiator is an insecure type who feels safe only within his own personal space
  2. The initiator is from a culture that has smaller space needs
  3. He wants to control you by pulling you off balance
- Either way, he wants the encounter to be on his terms

  • The Pump Handle
Credibility Rating :- 4/10
With strong rural overtones
-the pumper grabs the hand of the pumpee and commences an energetic and rhythmic series of rapid vertical strokes
- some pumpers continue to pump uncontrollably as if they are trying to draw water from the pumpee
- Few people try to pull their hand away
- The act of being physically connected seems to weaken our resolve to retreat. 

  • The Dutch Treat
Credibility Rating :- 2/10
Giving a handshake like a bunch of carrots
- It's a distant relative of the Wet Fish but stiffer and less clammy to the touch

Few people have any idea how they come across to others in initial meetings, despite the fact that most of us are aware that the first few minutes of that meeting can make or break a relationship. Take the time to practice handshake styles with your friends and colleagues and you can quickly learn how to deliver a positive handshake every time. Keeping the palms held vertical and matching the other person's grip is usually perceived as a 10/10 handshake

So come and join with us for this attempt, by your valuable comments..................... 

!This post is my opinion only and free for any arguments!

I used The Definitive Book of BODY LANGUAGE (Allan & Barbara Pease) as a guide book
Thanks the authors.

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The Mind Changer.

I will come with 
Introduction to Smiles and Laughter  - Body Language Lesson 05.1   
