Five Common Types Of Smiles - Body Language Lesson 05.2

Five Common Types Of Smiles  - Body Language Lesson 05.2     

  • The Tight - Lipped Smile
  1. The lips are stretched tight across the face to form a straight line and the teeth are concealed.
  2. It sends the message that the smile has a secret or a withheld opinion or attitude that they will not be sharing with you.
  3. It's a favorite of women who don't want to reveal that they don't like someone.
  4. Clearly read by other woman as a rejection signal. 
  5. Most men are oblivious to it.
  6. Simply, a gesture that says "I know that but I don't like to reveal it"

  • The Twisted Smile
  1. This happens :-

  • The right brain raises the left side eyebrow, the left zygomatic muscles and left cheek to produce one type of smile on the left side of the face. 
  • while the left brain pulls the same muscles downwards to produce an angry frown on the right side 
 2.  This smile is peculiar to western world. 
3.  Simply, a gesture that shows "Sarcasm With Don't Care"

  • The Drop - Jaw Smile
  1. Smile where the lower jaw is simply dropped down to give the impression.
  2. Imagine the smile of the Joker in "Batman"
  3. Use this to engender happy reactions in the audience and to touch the harts of the audience. 

  • The Sideways - Looking - Up Smile
  1. Ideal for both men and woman.
  2. The head turned down and away while looking up with a Tight - Lipped smile.
  3. Looks like juvenile, Playful and secretive.
  4. This can engenders parental feelings in male.
  5. This can make men to protect and care for females.
  6. Princess Diana used this smile to captivate the harts of people everywhere.  
  7. It can be read by men as:-

  • Seductive
  • Powerful "Come-on" Signal   

  • The George W Bush Grin
  1. Those who has permanent smirk in their face.
  2. They smile more than others. 

So come and join with us for this attempt, by your valuable comments..................... 

!This post is my opinion only and free for any arguments!

I used The Definitive Book of BODY LANGUAGE (Allan & Barbara Pease) as a guide book
Thanks the authors.

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The Mind Changer.

I will come with 
Smile And Health - Body Language Lesson 05.3 
